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I am still learning.
(Michelangelo at age 87)
Like Michelangelo we at TEND value learning no matter what age we are. Learning is core to what we do and what we are about. At TEND we place great value on learning from life experience: the struggles and successes, doubts and drives that have brought us to this point in life. TEND works with you to design an effective learning process that will help you build a bridge to your hopes, desires, and dreams.
Psychiatrist M. Scott Peck opened his bestselling book The Road Less Traveled with the courageous words: “LIFE IS DIFFICULT.” Our illusion of self-sufficiency makes his observation all the more true today. At TEND we partner with individuals and organizations through difficult situations and seasons. We assist them in taking tangible steps toward a brighter and more fulfilling future. TEND often serves to identify and illuminate the deficits and limits of our educational experience, and in so doing, helps adults develop, address blind spots in their learning, and prepare them for an increasingly complex world.
1. We customize all of our services, tailoring them to best meet the needs of our clients.
2. We highly value integrity, therefore we seek to be integrative in all that we do.
3. We strive for wholeness; we help you combat compartmentalization.
4. We believe all are capable of learning and growing.
5. We believe learning and growing takes courage, persistence, and patience.
6. We value research as a means of looking intently to learn the true reality.
7. We strive to build trust with our clients and in our clients.
8. We seek to cultivate lifelong learning.
9. We believe learning is an inherently hope-inspiring endeavor.
10. We seek to cultivate imagination as it fuels vision, change, creativity, and innovation.

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