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Amy Drennan is a native Texan who currently resides in Southern California. Amy is a licensed Marriage and Family Therapist and certified Spiritual Director. She earned a Bachelor’s degree from Trinity University (Speech Communication & Religion), two Master’s degrees from Fuller Seminary (Intercultural Studies, Marriage and Family Therapy), and a PhD in Higher Education at Azusa Pacific University, researching the intersection of leadership and adaptive change. Prior to her move to California, Amy was a campus minister with InterVarsity Christian Fellowship in Texas. Currently, she teaches as an Affiliate faculty member and manages spiritual formation programs as the Executive Director of Spiritual Formation at Fuller Seminary. In her spare time, Amy enjoys finding live music venues, taking her rambunctious Boxer puppy to the beach, and generally finding any excuse to be active and outside.

Amy on growth:

I often see growth through continuous cycles of disorientation and reorientation that occur as we open our lives to God’s holy disruptions and invitations. The desire of our hearts is to deepen our understanding of God, ourselves, and others, which necessitates that we engage with new perspectives. I affirm the insight of Walter Bruggemann: “The deep places in our lives – places of resistance and embrace – are reached only by stories, by images, metaphors and phrases that line out the world differently, apart from our fear and hurt.” Living in this state of constant formation requires all of who we are – our heads (intelligence and thoughtful reflection), our hearts (spiritual and emotional life), and our hands (habits and behaviors) that are situated in the soil of our ordinary lives (our space, culture, or context). Gratefully, God’s spirit is imminently at work in our human growth and development. 

Favorite Tree: Live Oak

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