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Rita McIntosh was born in the San Francisco Bay area and has lived most of her life in and around Northern California. She received a bachelor’s degree in Psychology from Westmont College. After college Rita lived and worked at Mt Hermon Christian Conference Center as a ministry intern then spent the next season earning a Master’s Degree in School Psychology from San Jose State University. Over a twenty-year period, she worked in schools ranging from State-run preschool through high school developing specialties in Gifted Education and School to Work transitions. Rita also wrote government and foundation grants for both school programs and non-profits. She and her attorney husband have raised two daughters and a son who are all now young adults. The last twenty years Rita has walked alongside young women, helping them develop skill and confidence as mothers, Christians, mentors and leaders.
Rita on growth:
My perspective on growth is that “slow and steady wins the race.” Walking step by step toward the goal more often gets you there than waiting for inspiration. Slow growth rarely receives attention yet usually lasts; whereas rapid growth is noticed but often not maintained.
Plants show us that there are seasons where growth is very noticeable; however, the spurt of growth would not be able to happen or to endure without consistent sunlight, watering the roots, feeding the soil and occasionally pruning – even in times when there is nothing to show for it. Metabolizing appropriate nutrients on a regular basis is important so that growth occurs naturally, as it was designed to do. Discerning and establishing the elements for optimum growth is the challenge. People will grow naturally when infused with love, encouragement, truth. TEND offers accessible nutrients that nearly everyone I know could benefit from. I delight in tuning in to people’s needs and helping them to notice how they’ve grown and creating opportunities for them to use their new skills and character.
Favorite Tree: Aspen
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